Ahhh yes bad habits. Mine #1 vice in life.........food. Seems harmless right? Food for me is held not only in pounds, but in stress. The more I stressed the more I ate. Now anyone who has dealt with an addiction or habit to something knows how hard it is to kick. For me I have tried it all from Weight Watches, to Master Cleansing and have had quite a journey.
I remember the moment I bought a scale and saw that number for the first time, in bold, flashing at me....206lbs!!! I have to say that again....206lbs?!?! I had gained 60+ lbs since I moved to Fort Collins and to see that was heartbreaking. I knew I had gotten out of control but by no means did I realize how bad it was. This weight really started limiting my life. I didn't want to go out, I didn't want my photo taken, I couldn't even really look at myself, at the time, without feeling so depressed. I new it was time for a change. (Below is a photo of me at my heaviest.)

I remember waking up one morning and realizing that I was ready to begin. I new this because each day before that I had said "I can always start tomorrow"........SO many tomorrows came and went with no start in site, so when I woke up feeling like I was ready to go I knew had to start right then.
I should have had a t-shirt on at all times that read...
Side effects of my weight loss include:
*Moody Behavior
*Sharp Tongue
*and Craziness
I say this because in the 1st couple months I was a wreck. I craved things all the time and it made me so irritable to know that I couldn't fulfill those cravings. Thank God for my beautiful husband knowing that I could pull through this because for lack of better words I was a real pain in the......(I'll let you fill in the blank.) His faith in me gave me faith in myself to loose the weight, and I was really seeing the pounds start to drop. 196..... 186.... and soon I was down 40lbs!!! I felt completely different and my shirt would now read...
Side effects of my weight loss include:
*Excessive Want To Be Happy and Healthy In Life
*Positive Attitude
*and Love For The Way God Created Me
What a shift in reality!! I am so close to reaching my goal and I am writing this blog because I really do need the support. This last stretch has been by far the hardest for me, but I am keeping that motivation strong and really pushing through it. It's amazing to me that I truly didn't like the way I looked when I was 60lbs lighter until I saw older pictures of me recently. I took it for granted before, and put myself down, but now I want nothing more then to be that beautiful woman once again. I am so thankful that God has shown me the light, and I know now that I have the strength I need to succeed in shedding this vice.
(Below is a picture from our show on Friday and I am feeling so happy about posting it!)

I love you all and until the next time our paths cross live, love, and be joyous!
This is a video of a Carole King's song "Beautiful" I feel it is my theme song right now!