Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"Stars aren't born, they're made......into carbon copies....."

I wrote in a Facebook post this morning about the expression "Stars aren't born they're made." I felt in some cases yes they are made but what about all the people who are just born with a natural gift?

Here are some of the wonderful responses back. I was overjoyed to see people exchanging with each other!

    • People like to invent little sayings like that to provide them with motivation and reaffirm their beliefs about reality. It speaks more about their own reality however than I feel it does about truth. I would say let them have their little sayings, just don't buy into it.
    • I agree "Little sayings" are created by little people with a narrow view trying to justify their hopes for reality. It takes NATURE and NURTURE to make a human being...there's no escaping that duality. You may be born a Pharaoh, but you must live a life of karma to reside amongst the stars with RA. Your soul needs a working body to manifest in the physical realm, your body needs a soul to connect with the "other."
    • Absolutes like that are lame. Everyone has a different path to success. I do feel that natural talent will only take you so far. To that degree I feel that's right, but there's no reason to slap a universal rule on success
    • I have to disagree with you. It all depends what you do with those gifts that really counts. You can have all the natural talent in the world, but if you don't work at it, you'll definitely go nowhere.

I was inspired to expand my own thoughts based on what they wrote:

I feel that it is these same sayings that keep so many from reaching their potential in life. Now on one side we can choose to be different about anything in life. At the same time how many people get down on themselves because of labels or sayings? I have, and truly feel we all have moments of doubt. I see in my mind a young gifted ‘musician’ (I am just using a musician as an example but replace this with anything that would apply to you) … a musician who sees a saying like “Stars aren’t born they’re made” and then questions if he or she can succeed in life, or in their career, with just their gifting. When I say gifting I truly mean having a skill that came naturally but that you do work hard for. Practicing your craft, sharing energy with the people who support you…etc..

When I hear “They’re made” I took it to mean connected with "the right people” or born into money ......... Bought, produced, marketed and sold. This at times can cause the people with natural gifting to be overlooked for a shiny suit, or colorful commercial.

For example have you ever seen a commercial for food where you see the cheese melting and the sauce cascading down off a juicy delicious ‘burger’ and literally went out the door to go get? What if you weren’t even hungry and did this solely because you saw the commercial and without thought just went and got the product?

I look at these saying and these commercials and feel like they are limiting us so much in what we genuinely feel is right for our own energy at the time. I really feel if we let these limitations go to follow the gifting, and wisdom we each have to share, that we will indeed impact. We would trade what we ‘should be’ for authenticity, and not be taken over by the amount of success or recognition that some get when choosing to live in only what they see and hear.

Shine like a star and live a comfortable yet real life. I have learned living comes with vulnerability and the unknown at times, but I see those same things now and am starting to turn them into strength and will power to be authentic in life.

Trust that the beautiful mind we are all blessed with will guide us to the qualities that make us shine, and thank the universe for this by working hard to keep that light alive!

I love you all and until the next time our paths cross live, love, and be joyous!

Below is a video of a model and her transformation for a photo shoot! Truly shows how people can be "made" in this life!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Baggage: Good for traveling but sometimes we end up in the lost luggage department....

For those who have not heard my beautiful husband Mason and I will be moving to Seattle, WA this summer. We are very excited for our new path, and are embracing the unknown of what this amazing life has to offer!

I think that in any move, or any coming of a new year, we tend to process. Can I do better? What would I change?...and on and on it goes. For me living in the same place for such a long time has it's advantages and disadvantages. I have cherished living in Colorado with people who I love so deeply. I feel blessed that we have all watched each other grow. We have seen one another through hard times that we thought would be never ending, and through the happiness that filled our hearts when tragedy passed. In my own heart I know I have become a very different energy and in becoming this sometimes it is hard for others to not live in the memory of who you were, and embrace who you are now. Since we only attract in life the people who mirror what we are I am excited for the opportunity to meet people who can see me for who I am now.

This last year of time has been by far the hardest year for Mason and I.....I should rephrase that..... This has been a year of immense growth for us. Not only in our love for each other but in our strength to say yes to life, and no to the situations that would take advantage of our love. We have a choice everyday to listen to our intuition. So often we deny what we know is right and replace it with the notion (or expectation) that people will see us for who we are, and that we can trust them for who they are. Why set ourselves up for this? Why listen to what people think you should do, who you should be, how you should act? If we all pressure each other to conform to be this zombie nation what kind of impact will we make? How will our children grow up to trust who they are?

I wish that we all could see, including me, that only you know who you are. We question this everyday with every statement we hear, and every vision we see. Is this right? Will people like me? In all reality why don't we trust that who we are is just right. That these events we experience in life are all right on schedule. I think it is the hardest to feel this when we are in pain. So often this pain occurs because we shielded who we truly are to "gain trust," until one day we slip and show our authentic self. Why is it so wrong to let your emotions flow?

I have spent most of my life questioning who I am based on the reactions of others, but all reactions aside....I love who I am. I think all of us would love who we are physically and mentally if we let our worries go. If we grew up only seeing our own face in the mirror, hearing own own thoughts, experiencing life in our own way we wouldn't know how to judge ourselves. There would be no commercials showing us what to eat, no company's telling us what to wear, no thoughts of am I too young to know this, or to0 old to try this. There would only be you and the ego and no judgment....but this is not the case. So I want to put out there that we can all try to remember how to love ourselves again. Remember that if energy can impact your life to question who you are that channeled in the right way it can also impact to believe in who we are again. I encourage you to let each other shine. I mean how many of us have just conformed to liking someone elses opinion just because we didn't want to feel awkward expressing that we felt something different?

Different is magnificent and in knowing this you can find out everyday how you can grow to be more true to who you are and accept that the energy you have been given in this life is beautiful.

So until the next time our paths cross live, love, and be joyous!

Below is a video of a song of mine called "Music of our Lives" If you enjoy it please check out my other video's at